Recovery From Life Long Illnesses

My journey with Heal with Ease started about a year ago when friends recommended them to me. I have had health issues all my life and I have been on my own healing journey with alternative treatments to get off the rollercoaster of conventional drugs.

For years our family have been seeing a naturopath and a chiropractor for our health issues. This got us so far, but I was never able to obtain the energy and health that I desired. When I heard about Heal with Ease and their treatments, I knew this was for me.

The results have been wonderful, as they have released and cleared the baggage so that my body was able to recover and learn to heal itself. I was so impressed with the results of the healing plans, that other members of our family are doing them as well. The results on two of my grandchildren have been fantastic. Cleared of toxins, they are happy and healthy again.

We use the energy protection cards and pendants. My grandchildren sleep so much better with them in their rooms. I use the food and water energisers. The homeopathic remedies work on us as well as our animals on the property.

To help lift and harmonise the energies on our farm we purchased a Universal Energy Tower. It is important to our family that we grow and provide healthy food that is full of life force. The information and products that Cathy and Eric have help with that. I am extremely grateful that they have become a part of my family’s healing journey.

Vicki, Far North Qld

To book in for your first Healing Plan click here.
For more information about Healing Plans click here.

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