On 28th June 2023 we were given the opportunity to discuss our journey into Alternative Healing on a Spiritual Zoom meeting. The video recording of this zoom meeting is available for you to watch by clicking here.
I (Cathy) was recently on the podcast ‘Connecting Consciousness’ and discussed with Robert Hilliar, my journey and how I opened myself to my spirituality.
If you would like to listen, click the play button below.
Our Journey
The word hippie according to the Australian Oxford Dictionary is “a young person who chooses to live their life unconventionally”. We are now over 50 and no longer consider ourselves young, however, we do choose to live our lives differently from the normal (whatever that is). We guess this classes us in some way as “hippies”, a term we embrace in our path of life.
We guess if you are reading this, then you too are in search of “something different” from the normal. Maybe you too embrace the term “hippie”. For us, this was a conscious decision made when our first baby, Jay was born. There is nothing like becoming a parent to push you to reevaluate your choices in life.
When Jay was three months old it became apparent to everyone that Cathy had severe post-natal depression. We were pushed to take Cathy to the doctor about this problem and the answer we were told was to take anti-depression medication. We knew Cathy was in a bad place, but we also knew more than anything that if she took drugs while breastfeeding she was feeding drugs to our baby son. Our doctor assured us it was safe.
If he could look us in the eye and with a straight face tell us what we knew was untrue, then we knew we couldn’t trust our health and our family’s health to this system any longer. We decided right then that we needed to take control of our health. Our families found this a bit hard to live with. We had both grown up in very conventional families who immunised their children when it was due, went to the doctor if they were ill and never left the doctors surgery without a script in hand. If their animals were ill, then the vet was called.
This is just how it is done. We thought we were the same, however, now we know we were and are part of the new movement away from Western Medicine.
We chose to not get out of bed at some ungodly hour in the morning, to drop our babies in childcare and spend hours a day stuck in traffic to arrive home at night exhausted, to the huge beautiful house with the only time to enjoy it at weekends – a day and a half, maybe two days a week. In our great-grandparents day, that house would be big enough to fit multiple families with 7-12 children. We make a conscious choice to not consume mass-produced food that is covered in artificial fertiliser and poisonous chemicals, we chose to work from home so we can be with our children to guide them and support them.
We chose not to immunise our babies with live diseases or poisonous carriers, we chose because we can, because we have access to information and reports that allow an informed decision on these crucial matters. We also chose to use alternative medicines on ourselves and our animals. It was, in fact Homeopathy and major lifestyle changes that carried us out of the post-natal depression. This amazing medicine that is so popular in Europe that they have hospitals and farms that are solely run on this miraculous healing modality. It has been around for 250 years and carries a huge depth of knowledge and proven healing with it. It can be used not just on physical healing but is multi dimension in its actions ie. Emotional, mental, spiritual, past life, epigenetic and more.
Why is it Homeopathy and energy/vibrational healing not known by all? – a question we pondered for a long time after we discovered the healing benefits firsthand.
We believe it has been suppressed from general knowledge because of money. Why does it always come down to the mighty dollar? Good health should be a rite of passage for every human and animal on our planet. And especially our beautiful planet.
After the huge changes we experienced using Homeopathy in our family, we were surprised to find that other people didn’t have access and knowledge the same. We felt it was part of our journey to create an awareness of Homeopathy and vibrational among people when it came to treating themselves, their families and their animals.
We aim to “be the change we wished to see in the world”. Einstein famously quoted “The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expect a different result”. If you have been working with doctors and vets and they keep dealing our medication after medication and you’re not getting any better, then this is insanity. It is time to look for a better, more natural alternative. It is time as 21st Century hippies that we said enough is enough! – we don’t want your chemicals in our food and we certainly don’t want them in the form of drugs for our families and our animals.
In 2005, after many years of drought on the farm, we moved from Bendemeer, near Armidale and Tamworth in Northern NSW to the Gold Coast Hinterland. Once there we started providing sheepdog demonstrations at school and different locations around the city. This led to sheepdog training classes for the unruly city-owned working dogs. It was in this space that we found people spending much of the week at the vet with their dog.
We thought this quite strange as we hadn’t been to the vet in nearly ten years. We were treating all our animals – sheep, cattle, dogs, pregnant and lactating bitches and their pups with Homeopathic remedies. This information inspired us to create a specialised kit for our trainees who were visiting the vet more regularly than the butcher and were paying thousands of dollars to vets for little things like rashes and stings, hotspots and abscesses. Now our trainees had real tools to use for everyday problems, saving themselves money and more importantly lots of time and worry – lots of time that was wasted sitting in the vet clinic waiting and waiting.
We were freeing people up and making their animals healthier in the process. We encouraged all our kit owners to treat their friends’ pets. Share and share-alike. We aren’t doing what we do to make gross amounts of money. We do what we do to help people, to help themselves and their animals. It grew from there. Their friends wanted kits and they wanted more. In 2008, we decided to create a commercial product to help as many animal stewards to help their beloved pets. We focused on making kits that would meet the needs of our potential clients, without giving up what was important to us.
We wanted an all Australian made product – all but the bottles are made in Australia. We wanted a product that was kind to the environment – we used soy-based inks in the printing and recycled cardboard for the packaging. The other important thing to us was to provide full back up support. For although we had a great product with detailed instructions we were very aware that the use of energy remedies is different from western medicine and required a change in mindset. For example, lesser dosing, faster acting, very little repeating of remedies. People needed supporting through the learning stage. We, therefore, decided every kit should leave us with full email or phone (in emergencies) back up support. Kit owners wouldn’t need our help forever, but they needed our support until they had the knowledge they need to go alone.
It is amazing to know that every kit that leaves us empowers the owner to help all their animals – stock and domestic alike. They will help their friends’ animals and gradually they will make a difference to the general health of animals everywhere with tools that will allow them to treat bites, infections, accidents, fevers, heat stroke, chemical poisoning and much more, as soon as they notice a problem. Do you know that the most likely thing to kill your pets in the case of an accident? It isn’t their injuries, it is the shock.
If you had a tool at your ready disposal to remove that shock immediately the chances of total healing are greatly increased. Energy remedies can be used on all animals, including of course humans. They can also be used on plants.
Energy remedies are now classed organic for farming in New Zealand and Australia. They are a perfect choice actually, as there are no chemicals, no harmful side effects, no withholding period for stock, and it creates true healing by healing from the inside out.
In the energy healing world, we believe discharges, rashes and the like are wonderful as they are a sign the ‘being’ is healing and ‘pushing out’ any rubbish that has been causing problems. It will work with physical, mental and emotional symptoms in a whole-body (holistic) way.
Once we had people using the remedies for their animals it didn’t take long for them to decide to use the remedies on themselves and their families. Not for life-threatening issues but for the day-to-day. A fall, an infection, stomach upset, bites, etc. So now we were helping people and their animals with day-to-day health issues. This was fantastic. As soon as they were confident that they had a great product, they told their friends and our business grew.
In 2008, to allow Heal with Ease time to grow without financial pressure, Eric took on full-time work again at Rathdowney, near Beaudesert.
Here we were thrown into a 3500-acre property with sick and dying Wagyu calf. If there ever was a time to test our remedies it was now. We arrive in October just as the cows were calving. This was the wrong time of year for calves to be born – the weather was extremely hot, the feed drying off quickly and to top it off the calves were born sick. The calves would live to approximately 10 days and then lay down and die. On Christmas Day that year, we spent the day picking up sick calves, trying to rehydrate them and moving them out of the sun. It was horrific. We tried many different remedies and medication, with varying success. There were reports of this problem all through the Wagyu farming industry so we thought maybe there was a genetic issue.
When you look into the breeding of the Wagyu cattle, you see that only a small amount of the genetic pool was ever released from Japan. So, what we have in Australia is inbred Wagyu with problems that are multiplied and magnified in the calves. (This was back in 2008, things may have changed since then). The question was, what was wrong with them? They were born okay but wasted within the first 10 days. It took a while but it hit us one night that these calves had an underlying miasmic tuberculosis issue. With this information, we treated all the cows with the Homeopathic miasm tuberculosis. The following year at calving we reduced the mortality from 30% to 5%. This was an incredible result.
In 2009 we were shown the next step in our journey when we met a gentleman by the name of Peter Esdaile. Peter is a chiropractor that had created and was teaching a healing process called Innate Healing.
In Innate Healing, we identify the health issues using a muscle testing process, similar to Kinesiology. Then release the issue from the body by gentle tapping down the spine. We don’t do much Innate Healing these days because we don’t see many of our clients in person, but the learning about muscle testing was a crucial factor in developing what we do now. We also took ourselves out of the mindset that the Homeopathic remedies were all we could utilise. There are approximately 2000 proven Homeopathic remedies but we had access to over 7000 remedies. Why would we limit ourselves and our clients with only the Homeopathic remedies? Now we combine the full array of remedies and the muscle testing to design a Personalised Healing plan for each of our clients. Most clients need between 5-7 healing plans to regain (or perhaps for the first time ever) good health and body function.
It is distressing to see 3-year-old children needing 6-7 plans. How could a child that young have so many issues to deal with? If we consider that his body is made up of not only his life experiences/exposures, but those of his ancestors carried forward in his genetic DNA, then possibly there is a lot to release.
So yes, this little body could have a lot to release. We would like to say here that it is easier to rebalance a body that is still well, than to work on a body that is unwell or diseased. Every person/animal will benefit from a run of healing plans to clear out inherited and current issues. We even do healing plans for mobs of stock and farm paddocks. It’s incredible the number of chemicals we see on farms.
In 2013 we moved from the Gold Coast Hinterland back to Eric’s hometown of Inverell to stabilise our family and Heal with Ease. Moving regularly is disruptive at the best of times. Moving a business and all that entails was driving us crazy.
It was in 2014 that we were pushed to see if we could send the vibrational healing distantly because up until that stage we were posting out remedies for healing plans.
A client in Northern Qld had her 5 horses become ill. The local vet refused to come on the property because it looked like Hendra virus. We had no time to send remedies via post so we were tested to see if we could heal the horses by sending remedies via distant transfer. It turned out it was botulism that had the horses sick. We ran a few healing plans distantly and they all made good recovery.
This was quite a revelation and the start of Distance Healing Plans for us. Quickly we transitioned most of the clients to distance healing. This saved time lost due to posting and ensured the plans were run thoroughly as sometimes clients forgot to take their remedies.
There was talk that we had disempowered clients by taking them out of the healing process. We considered this. At the end of the day people wanted to get well and often didn’t have the capacity to remember to take their remedies and were happy to have us healing them in the background while they gradually built up the energy to take better care of themselves.
The evolution of the healing at our end is never ending. Each week new things are added to the testing lists. Negative attachments, curses, ancestorial issues, bacteria’s, viruses, chemicals and so much more are included in our testing now.
Every client that continues to carry health issues after healing plans, challenge us to look for more. If we haven’t resolved their issues, then we are missing something. And the growth continues.
With every plan we do, we are learning and growing in our knowledge. With every follow-up plan we do, we learn more.
Supporting a body to release the layers of health issues – releasing toxins, bacteria’s, etc, healing organs, rebalancing hormones and more. Seeing/hearing a client coming out the other side happy, strong and healthy is a very rewarding for us.
In health and happiness,
Eric & Cathy Tighe
Heal with Ease